Music On The Move
JS Bach : Notebook For Anna Magdalena : Henle Edition
Johann Sebastian Bach gave his wife Anna Magdalena two handwritten booksof music. The second one is of particular value with its gilt-edged, ve llum-covered binding. In this little book of 1725 he noted down numerouspiano works in the most different styles both his own and by other co mposers. The Henle Urtext edition faithfully reproduces the complete contents of this manuscript, aside from the movements from the French Suites (HN 71) und Partitas (HN 28) in the notebook, which can be found elsewhere in the Henle catalogue. It is also an example of beautiful engraving by hand.
Piano / Grade 1 / List A
- Shaffs Mit Mir (Deal With Me Lord, According To Your Will: from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV 514 (No. 1 in The Children's Bach)
Piano / Grade 2 / List A
- Menuet in A minor from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 120 (listed as A Little Canonic piece or Minuet No. 13 in The Children's Bach)
- Menuet in Bb major from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 118 (listed as Minuet No. 15 in The Children's Bach)
- Menuet in C minor from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 121 (listed as Minuet No. 11 in The Children's Bach)
- Menuet in D major from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 126 (listed as Musette No. 12 in The Children's Bach)
- Menuet in D minor from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 132 (listed as Minuet in D minor No. 9 in The Children's Bach)
- Menuet in G major from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 116 (listed as Minuet in G No. 8 in The Children's Bach)
- Minuet in G major from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 114 (listed as Minuet 1 No. 5 in The Children's Bach)
- Minuet in G minor from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 115 (listed as Minuet 11 No. 6 in The Children's Bach)
- So Oft Ich Meine Tobakspfeife from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 515a (listed as Song of Contentment or Aria No. 4 in The Children's Bach)
Piano / Grade 3 / List A
- Polonaise in G minor from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 119 (listed as Polonaise No. 10 in The Children's Bach
- Polonaise in G minor from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach BWV Anh 125 (listed as Polonaise No. 19 from The Children's Bach