Music On The Move
Lamorna's Beginner Flute Book
Lamorna’s Beginner Flute book introduces students to the key concepts of playing the flute and develops sight-reading, rhythm, and musical creativity in clear logical steps.
Featuring a layout and notation that is large and clear, Lamorna’s Beginner Flute Book first introduces the notes B, A and G and progresses intuitively to B flat major. In this way students understand the basis of excellent flute technique and gain the skills to play with confidence in the school band system.
Aural skills and theory are incorporated into the learning strategy through the use of games, simple tasks and quizzes.
Duets introduce ensemble skills, encourage rhythmic security and good intonation.
Report Cards at the end of each chapter connect parents to their child’s learning process and demonstrate their achievements.
Aural skills and theory are incorporated into the learning strategy through the use of games, simple tasks and quizzes.
Duets introduce ensemble skills, encourage rhythmic security and good intonation.
Report Cards at the end of each chapter connect parents to their child’s learning process and demonstrate their achievements.