Music On The Move

Succeeding At The Piano Grade 2B - Helen Marlais ... CLICK FOR MORE TITLES



Students and teachers will continued to be inspired as they start this next level of Succeeding at the Piano. In addition to the fabulous musicand thoroughly reinforcing all of the concepts in Grade 2A, Grade 2B includes new concepts such as: intervals of a sixth, finger crossings in preparation for one-octave major scales, C, G, D, A, and F Major scales and I-V7-I cadences, waltz bass, reading ledger lines below and above thestaffs, legato pedaling, eighth rest, and dynamics of pp and ff.
The CD has a practice and performance track for many of the pieces which will help students learn and reinforce correct practice habits. The CD also provides students with an opportunity to play with a string quartet accompaniment for some of the pieces


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